In case you want to use this book for teaching, wonder about choices in style or content or want to contribute to it or suggest changes, this page may be useful to understand the choices I made when creating it.
Goal: Enable people to do applied qualitative research on how and why people work for informing the design of products
- Quantitative Methods (though I love to use them, too)
- Be tied to a certain sub-school of design or product development methods: JTBD, Design Thinking…
Teaching and Philosophy
- Examples are favored over abstract definitions.
- I do not avoid personal from-experience input. However, I try not to argue from the perspective of authority but try to make it easy to understand why I would choose a certain approach.
- Avoid appeals to true or right -findings,-needs etc. (“technical rationality”): I think these are not the focus of qualitative research, nor things that can be easily asserted in general.
- This book assumes Reflective Practice as the mode of work.
- Results should be traceable and plausible. Thus, a significant part of the text focuses on data analysis.